Houzz: Find your Inspiration for Home Designs and More!

houzz logoLooking for inspiration for your home design or renovation project? Check us out on Houzz, a social networking site that features home design, decorating and remodeling ideas. Users can connect with other users by following them and can share their design ideas and projects.

Customers and service providers alike are flocking to Houzz to share photos and reviews. One of the top features on Houzz is the “Ideabook.” Customers and service providers can show off their projects and collect ideas from other users by placing photos in their ideabooks. They can then share their ideabooks with other users and get inspiration for their own projects.

Service providers can post a profile page with information about the company, their history, contact information and their projects. It is an outstanding resource for customers to gather more information about a service provider and even see photos of their past and current projects.

Another great feature of Houzz is that users can post reviews and ratings of service providers. The ratings are available on the service provider’s profile page.