Are Your Windows Making Your Home Vulnerable?

window hookFollow these guidelines to help you find the right locks for your windows.

Properly placed and designed windows are one of the easiest ways to increase the curb appeal of your house. They can also be a serious security issue if they don’t have the ability to lock. Use these tips to help keep your windows locked and secure.

There are five common types of window locks to consider, including:

  1. Window latches
  2. Sliding locks
  3. Hook locks
  4. Padlocks
  5. Keyed locks

The weight and size of your windows is one of the main factors you should consider when deciding on the strength and size of the window locks that you invest in. Casement and sash windows require certain types of window locks because of they way that they open. Keyed locks are more discreet and will work best for large picture windows, but can also be less convenient because you will have to find the key every time you have to lock or open the window.

You should also consider the theft deterrent factor that comes with the different types of locks that are available. Large, visible locks may not be the most beautiful, but they will help to deter a burglar from breaking into your home. A lock that will slow down a burglar when they try to break into your house will help to prevent them from trying in the first place.

Along with keeping out the bad, window locks can also help to keep your family safely in your house especially when it comes to small children. Falling accidents, including falling out of a window are very common. Keeping your windows locked and secure can help to make sure that your family stays safe.

For help choosing the right windows and window locks for your Conejo Valley house, contact Agoura Sash & Door in Westlake Village, California.